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Merchant Reviews

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Your Favorite Sofware Titles "In Stock and Ready to Ship".

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Average Merchant Rating (from 5011 ratings)
 Overall 4.5 stars 
 Price 4.5 stars 
 Shipping Options 4.5 stars 
 Delivery 4.5 stars 
 Ease of Purchase 4.5 stars 
 Customer Service 4.5 stars 

    < Previous | 131 - 140 of 2359 | Next >

  1. Very Good

    , July 26, 2008
    Reviewer: a Purplus customer via post-transaction survey
    Reviewer's rating: 4 stars 
    Price: 5 bars 
    Shipping Options: 5 bars 
    Delivery: 3 bars 
    Ease of Purchase: 4 bars 
    Customer Service: 4 bars 
  2. Excellent

    , July 24, 2008
    Reviewer: a Purplus customer via post-transaction survey
    Reviewer's rating: 5 stars 
    Price: 5 bars 
    Shipping Options: 5 bars 
    Delivery: 5 bars 
    Ease of Purchase: 5 bars 
    Customer Service: 5 bars 
  3. Excellent

    , July 24, 2008
    Reviewer: a Purplus customer via post-transaction survey
    Reviewer's rating: 5 stars 
    Price: 5 bars 
    Shipping Options: 5 bars 
    Delivery: 5 bars 
    Ease of Purchase: 5 bars 
    Customer Service: 5 bars 
  4. Poor

    , July 24, 2008
    Reviewer: harbour_tug
    Reviewer's rating: 1 stars 
    Price: 0 bars 
    Shipping Options: 1 bar 
    Delivery: 1 bar 
    Ease of Purchase: 0 bars 
    Customer Service: 1 bar 
  5. Excellent

    , July 23, 2008
    Reviewer: a Purplus customer via post-transaction survey
    Reviewer's rating: 5 stars 
    Price: 5 bars 
    Shipping Options: 5 bars 
    Delivery: 5 bars 
    Ease of Purchase: 5 bars 
    Customer Service: 5 bars 
  6. Excellent

    , July 21, 2008
    Reviewer: a Purplus customer via post-transaction survey
    Reviewer's rating: 5 stars 
    Price: 5 bars 
    Shipping Options: 5 bars 
    Delivery: 5 bars 
    Ease of Purchase: 5 bars 
    Customer Service: 5 bars 
  7. Fair

    , July 21, 2008
    Reviewer: a Purplus customer via post-transaction survey
    Reviewer's rating: 2 stars 
    Price: 1 bar 
    Shipping Options: 5 bars 
    Delivery: 4 bars 
    Ease of Purchase: 2 bars 
    Customer Service: 1 bar 
  8. Poor

    , July 20, 2008
    Reviewer: a Purplus customer via post-transaction survey
    Reviewer's rating: 1 stars 
    Price: 5 bars 
    Shipping Options: 5 bars 
    Delivery: 1 bar 
    Ease of Purchase: 1 bar 
    Customer Service: 1 bar 
  9. Excellent

    , July 17, 2008
    Reviewer: a Purplus customer via post-transaction survey
    Reviewer's rating: 5 stars 
    Price: 5 bars 
    Shipping Options: 5 bars 
    Delivery: 5 bars 
    Ease of Purchase: 5 bars 
    Customer Service: 5 bars 
  10. Excellent

    , July 14, 2008
    Reviewer: a Purplus customer via post-transaction survey
    Reviewer's rating: 5 stars 
    Price: 5 bars 
    Shipping Options: 5 bars 
    Delivery: 5 bars 
    Ease of Purchase: 5 bars 
    Customer Service: 5 bars 
    < Previous | 131 - 140 of 2359 | Next >

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About Merchant Ratings
 Excellent 5 stars: excellent rating 
 Very Good 4 stars: very good rating 
 Good 3 stars: good rating 
 Fair 2 stars: fair rating 
 Poor 1 stars: poor rating 
 No rating submitted N/A 
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